Legacy Photos Scanning

Legacy Photos Scanning Services

The Value of Legacy Photos Scanning Services, Ask any firefighter what people get the most upset about losing in a home fire and chances are it is family photos that top the list of material possessions. Today, we have digital cameras that send images to the cloud or some other sort of online storage, and so that worry is being eliminated. However, the older photos, for which there are no negatives and no backups can be easily lost to fire, flood or other disasters. It is why legacy photos scanning services are so important.

Legacy Photos Scanning Services

Using them means making high-resolution copies that are no longer at risk of loss or damage. At eRecordsUSA, you can take those precious antique family photos or those historic images and use their legacy photos scanning services to ensure they are preserved for generations to come.

Of course, there is more to the value of photo scanning of this kind. After all, by scanning them and saving them to media such as CDs or DVDs, or uploading to your favorite online storage site, you make them incredibly easy to share or even to print. Because you can also opt to store those same high-grade files to the cloud, it makes it easier for them to be shared among family members, friends or colleagues working in the same field.

The images are also fully protected because they exist in high-resolution files on a server in a guarded facility (and with redundant backups). Never again will the idea of damage to an office or home also mean the loss of irreplaceable photos.

Whether you are someone working with antique images or negatives, or the genealogist of the family, the use of legacy photos scanning services makes good sense. Easy and convenient, they help you organize your entire collection and even access them from anywhere.

eRecordsUSA is also specialized in providing all other types of photo scanning services.

Would you like to receive a free quote for Legacy Photos Scanning Services? Call 510.900.8800 or Contact here.

Scan Your Family Pictures

Our premium scanning is carried out on various professional scanner with highly trained technicians at the highest possible scan quality. That will accommodate all sorts of memorabilia like newspaper clippings, school records, children’s artwork, and much more. High-quality scanning is a great alternative to natural deterioration or some natural calamity; put it all onto a gold archival DVD, or flash drive, or on the cloud and save on space while keeping those valuable memories intact!

eRecordsUSA loves to digitize and archive old photos, family pictures, and memorabilia and handles the archives of the original as if they were our own—and we certainly understand how important they are to you.

Types of scanning services that we provide:

  • Artwork Scanning
  • Oversized Items
  • Completed Scrapbook Pages
  • Maps
  • News Articles
  • Historical large oval photos

Feel free to reach out to us here, with any questions and let us know, how we can help you with your Legacy Photos Scanning services, or call us at 510.900.8800, Monday through Friday, between 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. We can help you in archival large volume scanning services for personal collections, business archives, family office, famous personalities, organizations, and high net worth individuals.

Digitizing Historical Documents & Records – Best Practices

Digitizing Historical Documents & Records – Best Practices

Digitizing Historical Documents

Many times we have talked about the advantages of document digitization when managing our files at home or in the office. Now it is my turn to expose the value of digitization in a research project of a historical nature within a larger work.

Document digitization has become a loyal ally of researchers, professionals or not, that require documents and files decades old to make certain projects. Thanks to digitization, we can have access to direct sources of information that will be essential in our work, whether it be the preparation of a work for the institute or university, a thesis or a project at a professional level.

The great advantage of the phenomenon of document digitization is that it is a feature that is available to anyone. Surely more than once you have needed to look for a document, printed or photographic, really old, and that due to the passage of time it is impossible to have it in our hands.

Thanks to the digitization of the documentation, the work of the professionals will be easier since there are other professionals who are in charge of ensuring the correct status of the documents ( document manager ) and of guaranteeing the rapid recovery of any information.

Immerse yourself in a historical project knowing that document digitization exists means amortizing our efforts, since it will translate into productivity and benefits for the research of the company, the institution, or the individual in question.

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Documents, Books & Photos Digitizing Imaging Services
eRecordsUSA — Document & Book Scanning Services
Read Our 5 Star Ratings Here

The digitization of documentation does not come to replace that magical experience of diving between the walls of a library between hours. What is certain is that when we are working on a historical project for hours, we try to make everything easier for us.

In this sense, the new digital media offer an exclusive and optimal service to users in the development of their work. Digitization has been a step forward in the conservation of our historical treasure!

Imagine your most treasured historical documents. Now, imagine them in the hands of a stranger whose job it is to record and document that item using a high-tech scanner and other devices. It probably makes you worried.

Whether that document is a handwritten collection of family letters or a document of major historical significance to a company, government, or other groups, you don’t want anything to happen to it.

The good news is that the use of a professional quality historical documents digitizing / digitization service actually guarantees that document’s long-term safety and stability.

Protect Delicate Information Through Historical Documents Scanning

Historic Documents Digitizing / Digitization Service

Scanning has come a very long way over the years, and today it is possible to provide entirely non-destructive book scanning of even the most fragile materials. Packing and shipping them may be more challenging than actually digitizing the content, and at eRecordsUSA, you can have them actually pick up the materials, do all of the scannings, and have them return them safely in their original condition.

The files are of the highest resolution possible and can feature optical character recognition in order to make them searchable once the conversion is complete. They feature images and text and can be in full color or black and white.

You can request everything from JPEG and PDF to WORD files from this historical document digitizing service / historical document digitization service, and cloud storage can make them easier to manage than ever.

Why should you convert your archives at all? One of the most important reasons to use historical documents digitizing/historical documents digitization service is due to the fact that archives and historical items are never guaranteed to survive over the long term. Paper acidity, molds and mildews, and the ravages of time can cause them to break down. Why risk losing them altogether when safe, conscientious and high-quality book and document scanning is available?

Historical documents are delicate and require significant care. Our historical documents scanning service provides protection and ensures ease of access to information.

Brittle, fragile, delicate – these are just some of the terms that can be applied to historical documents. They must be handled with care, which means few people can actually access the information they contain. Historical documents scanning provides the protection necessary for these valuable documents while making the information widely available.

How Do You Digitize Historical Documents?

How Does Digitizing Historical Documents Work

Document scanning is the process of creating an electronic copy of a  document in paper format. We create a faithful photo of the data of the original document (text, images…) using a scanner. The digital file is then archived online or locally.

Scanning a document has many advantages:

  • Simplified data exchange;
  • Reduced physical archive space;
  • Reduced management and storage costs, etc.

However, in order for a PDF file to constitute conclusive evidence and be used during a tax audit, the scanning of documents must follow strict rules. The Civil Code lists the conditions for digitization and preservation of files necessary to constitute a “reliable copy” and to be legally acceptable.

What Types of Documents Can Be Digitized?

What Types of Document Scanning?

For a long time, a company was doomed to store all its information on paper documents. Before for small structures, storing a few files on a shelf could be a sufficient solution. But today, as for a large group, the number of documents to be preserved and the processing of the information linked to them often require significant land space.

The digitization of documents therefore primarily concerns the business world and public institutions. The professional environment requires the management of a wide variety of files and documents:

  • Tax documents;
  • HR documents;
  • Accounting documents;
  • Social documents;
  • Etc.

However, individuals too can benefit from the digitization of documents and dematerialized archiving. Benefiting from these services can be particularly useful for:

  • Identity documents;
  • Insurance documents;
  • Tax returns;
  • Etc.

Also Read: File Types – Document Scanning Tips And Tricks 

Reasons to start a digitization process

There are a multitude of factors that can lead to document digitization. In addition to saving space, the rationale would be to be able to access information much faster. Being able to find the information you want just by typing a few words can be a huge time saver. This can improve the efficiency of your business.

There are also other reasons that may lead you to carry out this process, including:

  • The safety, because what previously was locked, now can be protected by different passwords and user restrictions. This reduces the risk of loss or theft of information.
  • Need to access information from mobile devices. Every day, in a greater number of companies, employees have to consult information without being present in the office. Having the information in filing cabinets limits access, being necessary to be in the company to consult the information.
  • Environmental awareness is increasing, which is why many companies want to stop printing so many unnecessary papers and in turn save on printing costs (ink, paper, photocopies, etc.).
  • Being able to share both internal (colleagues) and external (clients) information, more quickly. Previously, the information had always been shared by courier, but this implied a waiting time until it was received. In addition, it presents an information security risk.
  • Save on maintenance costs. Having large physical files of information requires order. Surely this consumes resources, that is, it will be necessary for a person to take care of its maintenance.

Avoid deterioration of documents. When we talk about old documentation, images, or plans that are relevant to the company, ensuring that the information remains intact is essential. This can be achieved by digitizing documents.

Benefits of Preservation of Historical Documents Digitization

Benefits of Preservation of Historical Digitization

At eRecordsUSA, our historical documents scanning service provides a wide range of benefits. For instance, you are able to digitize those documents and make the information available to organization members or the general public through the Internet. Once the information has been digitized, the actual document itself can be stored in a hermetically sealed environment, providing substantial protection without the need for future access.

Who We Work With

We’ve worked with a wide range of clients in need of historical document scanning Services, including the following:

  • Colleges and universities
  • Libraries
  • American Legion locations
  • Historical societies
  • Private collectors
  • Estates

Historical Document Scanning Solution

At eRecordsUSA, we understand the need for painstaking care and patience when working with fragile historical documents. Our team follows specific protocols to avoid damage, and our scanners are state of the art. The result is nothing less than unlocking the information contained in your document for easier sharing while protecting the actual document itself for future generations.

Contact us today for more information about historical document scanning and archiving services.

eRecordsUSA is also specialized in providing Document Scanning,  Would you like to receive a free quote for Historical Documents Digitization Services & Historical Documents Digitizing Services? Call 510.900.8800 or eMail us at [email protected].

How to Avoid Destructive Book Scanning

If you’re in the market for book scanning service, you probably have the same fear as everyone else who is looking for a company for the first time.

You’re worried that the company doing the book scanning will damage your book.

To be fair, some people don’t care. It’s common practice to remove the spine of the book so the pages are easier to access and, thus, scan.

Avoid Destructive Book Scanning

That being said, if you have a rare book or simply don’t want this to happen to your text, you need to know how to avoid destructive book scanning company.

Be Clear About Your Needs

The first thing you have to do is make sure that any company you’re considering understands that you do not want any form of destructive book scanning practices. These companies should be asking you about this anyway, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Start with an Inconsequential Job

Although it means increasing your investment a bit, we recommend you begin your relationship with a new company by giving them an inconsequential job. Provide them with a text you don’t care about and ask for a small amount of pages to be scanned.

This will show you what kind of work you can expect from them. If the book comes back damaged, you know that this company isn’t worth your money and you didn’t have to suffer a major loss.

Pay for Quality

Speaking of money, understand that you’re going to get what you pay for. When it comes to book scanning, it’s worth looking into what a little extra can do.

For example, some companies will actually pick up your text so you don’t have to risk any damage that could occur if you tried sending it in yourself.

As you can see, avoiding destructive book scanning doesn’t need to be a Herculean effort. Just follow these three steps and you should be fine.

eRecordsUSA is specialized in providing professional Book Scanning Services, Book Imaging Services, Bound Book Scanning Services, Book Digitization Services, Book Archiving Services, Book Archival Services and more. Would you like to receive a free quote for Non-Destructive Book Scanning Services? Call +1.855.722.6669 or eMail us at [email protected].

Imaging a Book to a PDF Service FAQ

If you’ve heard of imaging a book and turning it into a PDF before, you may have some questions. We’re going to answer the three most common ones here.

What Is Imaging a Book to a PDF Service For?

As the name suggests, imaging a book to a PDF service is for transforming the format of your text. In simplest terms, if you currently have a book, but you’d like it to be a PDF, you’d use this service to make it happen.

Imaging a Book to a PDF Services

Why Would I Want My Book as a PDF?

There are a number of reasons someone might use an imaging a book to a PDF service, but the most common one has to do with convenience.

College students have been using this type of service more and more, for example. They usually have at least half-a-dozen large textbooks they need to carry around all week for their classes.

It’s not hard to imagine why students would be interested in condensing this information into a digital version they can store on a tablet and carry in one hand.

Imaging a book to a PDF has become a popular trend in many professions, too. If you work in a field that has you constantly referencing texts, it can help to transform those books into a more easily managed PDF.

Again, it will definitely help with traveling.

It will also help for referencing information. Instead of having to track down a certain text and then page through it until you find the part you’re looking for, you can just run searches of your PDF library. This approach works just like a traditional search engine.

You can also share these texts with people all over the world by sharing the PDF to the cloud.

How Do I Get This Done?

Before you entrust anyone with this important service, take your time finding the right imaging a book to a PDF service provider for the job. You want one with a solid reputation that will also offer fair pricing, especially if you have a number of books you want to scan.

eRecordsUSA is specialized in providing professional Book Scanning Service, Book Imaging Service, Textbooks Imaging Service, Book Imaging Service for Authors, Conversion of Books to PDF Service and more. Would you like to receive a free quote for Imaging a Book to a PDF Services? Call +1.855.722.6669 or eMail us at [email protected].

Thinking About Using a Textbooks Imaging Services

If you work in the education system, you’re surrounded by textbooks. Your students need them for every class. Often, they need more than one for a class, too.

In any case, as part of your dedication to staying current and offering your students the best possible resources for learning, you should consider how a textbooks imaging service could help.

Textbooks Imaging Services

What Does a Textbooks Imaging Service Do?

Simply put, this service is used to take a textbook and convert it into a digital version. This is more than just scanning each page, though. This actually entails a process whereby the software can recognize the letters on your page and is able to turn them into the corresponding words in a digital text document.

It will also pick up on the actual photos and pictures in your textbook, as well, and transfer those over to a digital text document.

Why Do People Use a Textbooks Imaging Service?

There are a number of reasons people invest in this type of service.

An obvious one is that it means your textbooks are preserved no matter what happens to the physical versions.

It can also be extremely helpful for your students who no longer need to carry large amounts of textbooks home with them or to their dorms every day. They can simply access the cloud and review their texts there.

Finally, the conversion process makes it easy to runs searches through textbooks for whatever information you need. It’s just like using a search engine. This will make it simple for your students to do extensive research.

Will It Damage My Books?

It doesn’t have to. However, for the best possible quality, you’ll want to have the spines removed from your textbooks.

The future of education belongs to digital textbooks. Fortunately, you can take the ones you already have and convert them into digital versions easily.

eRecordsUSA is specialized in providing professional Book Scanning Service, Non-Destructive Book Scanning Service, Conversion of Books to PDF Service, Bound Book Scanning Service, Book Digitization Service, Book Archival Service, Book Archiving Service and more. Would you like to receive a free quote for Textbooks Imaging Services? Call +1.855.722.6669 or eMail us at [email protected].