Protect Your Hard Work with Paper Notebook Scanning Services

Whether you’re a researcher, a student, a biologist or an author, your research is an invaluable asset. It’s the only copy of your hard work, and contains essential information. If something where to happen to your notebook, years of effort could be lost in an instant. It makes sense to protect that information, but how can you do that? The simplest way is to make use of paper notebook scanning services. These services transform your notes into digital format, protecting them essentially forever.

Paper Notebook Scanning Services

What Notebooks Can Be Scanned?

Simply put, any notebook can be scanned. It’s a relatively simple process that takes the physical notes in your notebook and transforms them into a digital format. Once converted, those notes can be stored on your computer or through your preferred cloud platform. You can access them, use them, and even modify them in many instances.

Why Scan Paper Notebooks?

As mentioned, your notebook is the only place that information appears. It’s your own unique body of work. If something were to happen to it, that information would be lost forever. Would you be able to duplicate it again? Chances are good that you wouldn’t be able to, at least not without a significant amount of effort, if at all.

With paper notebook scanning service, you’re prepared for whatever disaster might come your way. Your original notebook could be lost. It could be damaged by a liquid spill, or destroyed in a fire. It could be stolen, or any number of other things might happen. However, if the information in your notebook has been digitized, that loss will be easier to bear. You’ll still have access to all your research, notes, background information and anything else contained in those pages.

Another benefit of paper notebook scanning service is the ability to share those documents with others. Maybe you’re collaborating with another researcher, or a lab on the other side of the country. If your information is locked up in a physical notebook, it can be difficult or impossible to share. However, if that information has been digitized, it can easily be shared through email or a download link.

Work with an Ethical Company

Obviously, your notebook will contain sensitive information. It might be proprietary research data, or it could be the plot and outline for the next great American novel. In all these instances, that information is your intellectual property, and it’s essential that you work with a scanning company that not only understands that, but honors it and protects your information as well.

Make sure that the book scanning company does all the scanning in house, and doesn’t outsource it to another provider, as this could put your information at risk. You should also ensure that the company has a confidentiality agreement, and stands by it at all times.

eRecordsUSA, a leading book scanning services provider can understand the importance of your intellectual property, and do everything in our power to protect it. Your information is always confidential, and we never outsource to other providers. Call +1.855.722.6669 or eMail us at [email protected] today to know more about our lab notebook scanning services or paper notebook scanning service.

Large Antique Book Scanning Service Preserves Information and Saves Your Books

Whether you have a single antique book or an entire historical collection of rare volumes, it’s important that you protect them. Time is the enemy of the printed page, but your antique books can also be damaged through other means. Too much handling, or incorrect handling, can be devastating. Spills, fire, and flood damage – all of these can destroy those books. Large antique book scanning services gives you the means to protect both the information in your books, as well as the volumes themselves. What should you know?

Large Antique Book Scanning Services

What Is Book Scanning?

Book scanning is a relatively new technology that allows you to take the information contained in your book and digitize it. This gives you a digital copy that can be duplicated any number of times, and won’t be susceptible to damage in any form. It can be shared with others, posted online, emailed, even printed out if you really want to do so.

Of course, there are a couple of types of book scanning. Destructive scanning is the most common, but it’s not right for rare or antique books because the process actually destroys the book. The binding is cut and removed, and the pages are trimmed so they can be scanned easily. This will work fine for a book where the information inside is the most valuable, but not for books that have inherent value in their own right.

Non-destructive book scanning service is the better choice here. In this process, the binding and pages are protected, while the pages are accurately scanned and digitized. The book is then returned to you in the same condition as it was originally, and you have a digital copy that can be used for other means.

Why Protect the Information?

For some collectors, the book itself is the most important thing. The information contained within it is a secondary consideration. However, there may be many people who would love to read that information, from other family members to researchers and students. With large antique book scanning, you can take the information out of the book and share it with as many people as you like, while the book itself stays safe and sound in your collection. You’re able to enrich the world without putting your prized book in any danger at all.

Not All Scanning Companies Can Help

While there are various companies that offer book scanning services, they’re not all created equal. You need to choose your service provider with care. How much experience do they have handling rare, antique books? Are they able to scan large books, or are they limited to conventional sizes? Do they offer full color photo and illustration reproduction as well, or is their service text only?

At eRecordsUSA, we have years of experience in handling rare and vintage books. We offer large antique book scanning, picture reproduction and much more. We can also make your book available digitally on CD or DVD, as well as through the cloud for more convenience. Call +1.510.900.8800 or eMail Us. 

5 Benefits of Large Format Book Scanning Services

Books come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, from mass-market paperbacks to log books, map books, university textbooks and much, much more. They provide the means to store and share information with readers almost indefinitely, but books are sadly not indestructible.

Large Format Book Scanning Services

Age, accident, fire, spills and other issues can damage paper books, rendering them useless. Preserving that information is vital, and large format book scanning offers the means to transform expansive books into something new – a digital format that can be protected and preserved forever. Whether you have a collection of antique map books that needs to be protected, unique periodicals from a bygone age, or a valuable collection of historical books, large format book scanning service offers a number of benefits.

1. Digitize the Contents

Perhaps the most important advantage offered by large format book scanning is the ability to digitize the contents of those books. This transforms information from print to digital imagery, which can be stored on CDs and DVDs, the cloud, or saved to a computer’s hard drive.

2. Easily Share

Another benefit found with large format book scanning is that you can easily share the contents of your books with anyone, anywhere, at any time. All they need is a digital device, and today, that means something as simple as a smartphone could be used. You can email files, share links from cloud storage solutions like Dropbox or Google Drive and more. This reduces time, cost and hassle.

3. Preserve Important Information

If your books contain rare information, or unique data, it must be protected. Book format is not the best way to do that, even with archival quality ink and paper. Large format book scanning ensures that your vital information is protected and preserved for posterity, in a format that can never be destroyed (digital copies can be saved literally forever with no degradation, particularly if stored in the cloud).

4. Maintain Quality

Older scanning technology was capable of creating copies of images, maps and printed pages, but often the quality was lower than the original. For instance, a copy machine can create a duplicate of a page, but the quality is less than ideal. With high-quality book scanners, you can create identical copies of images and pages, and then save them as PDFs, JPG files, TFF files and more.

5. Reduced Costs

Printing large books is expensive, and for businesses that regularly issue updated volumes or new material, this can be very costly. Add to that the cost of shipping books to customers or clients, and you have a serious drain on your budget. Large format book scanning ensures that you’re able to scan and send whatever you need at no cost (emailing a file or sharing a link costs you nothing, and even cloud storage is inexpensive).

These are just a few of the many benefits of large format book scanning. Of course, you must choose the right partner. If you would like to receive a free quote for book scanning services or large format book scanning services? Call +1.855.722.6669 or eMail us at [email protected].

Use of Patient Chart Scanning Services

Digitizing patient chart at healthcare facilities, whether that is a hospital, clinic, laboratory, urgent care facility, or doctor’s office to name a few, is the most effective way to streamline processes and have patients’ information readily available for anyone who needs to see it. Patient chart normally go through many hands when a patient is treated. From the receptionist to the billing professional, the triage nurse to the doctor, many hands hold those papers.

Patient Chart Scanning Services

By having these patient chart scanned through a patient charts scanning service, the overload of paperwork is shrunk while the pertinent staff can access them on demand. Digitizing patient chart also keeps them from getting lost. A patient’s lost lab results, for example, can be a huge waste of time and money for both the patient and the facility. This is what makes patient chart scanning services so important in today’s modern healthcare facilities.

Paper form documents are most likely inevitable at healthcare facilities. However, they should do everything possible to digitize as much as possible so that they can streamline processes and save time and money while focusing on what matters the most: taking care of the patients. Both patients and staff members will be very grateful for the switch to digital.

Are you in search of Medical Records Scanning Services or Patient Chart Scanning Services? If you would like to receive a free price quote for your project? call +1.855.722.6669 or eMail us [email protected].

Old Newspaper Digitization

Old Newspaper Digitization is a great way to store & preserve such historical artifacts permanently without ever fearing to lose them or damage. Libraries and cultural institutions often need the old newspaper digitization service.

Digitizing Old Newspapers

The process of turning old newspapers into electronic format involves planning the digitization project based on the volume size. Then, the scanning is performed by an experienced staff member of the Old Newspaper Digitization company. Normally, these digitization services will also include what is called an Optical Character Recognition service or OCR. With this service, the newspaper in digital format is now easily searchable from the computer.

It is also important to store the old newspaper digitization in a cloud service or any other online hosting so that they are accessible from anywhere. Especially in the case of libraries, newspaper collections need to be accessible to members in a suitable online format, which also saves costs.

Old Newspaper Digitization is the process of converting old newspapers that survive in analog form into digital images that can be called newspaper digitization. The most common analog forms for old newspapers are paper and microfilm. The newspapers in the paper formats, are many times found in bound volumes, which preserve the same, and we are glad to confirm, we can assist in digitization such large bound volumes, without destroying the bindings, and still capturing the entire content.

Digitizing Old Newspaper Bound Large Format     Old Newspaper Scanning

bound-digitizing-old newspapers    Digitizing Old Newspapers, Bound Books      digitzing-old-newspaper-binding

Old Newspaper Digitization, is an extremely specialized field, requiring extensive experience in handling such delicate fragile, and historically priceless original newspapers. Such old newspapers, documents, letters, envelops, certificates, drawings, craft books, etc come in a variety of shapes, conditions, and bindings. Each set of old newspapers archival collection is unique and such requiring careful review before any digitization project is initiated. We are proud to confirm, that we have successfully completed much similar old newspaper digitization,  projects as far dated hundred of years old. Click on these sample scan example;


The Blazer Sample     Voice Troy

The digital preservation of old newspapers needs to be done with a customized solution that caters to the needs of the specific project. Some old newspapers might have some damage or wear, thus the importance of working with an experienced staff member of a reliable Old Newspaper Digitization partner. Old Newspaper Digitization into electronic format is the most cost-effective and reliable way to store them permanently.


Some Scanner Types For Old Newspapers Digitization

Bound Books Old Newspaper Digitizing    flat-bed-book-scanners        Digitizing Old Newspaper

eRecordsUSA utilizes a variety of professional scanners and scanning techniques to get the best results for Old Newspaper Digitization, based on the nature of the content, page size, book weight, condition of the pages & binding, paper-type, type of the binding, margins at the spine, content layout, one side or both sided content, and many more similar trivial things.

Did you know, very high glossy content or pages with golden or silver embossing, special inks, bleed through pages need special handling? All of the above and many similar small specifics are considered when deciding the type of equipment to be used, to digitize. Some of the commonly used book scanners are overhead planetary, flat-bed, book edge, v-cradle, or even sheet-fed.

Old Newspaper Digitization & More…

eRecordsUSA can assist in a variety of historical digitization for a variety of documents and books, some of them include, handwritten personal journals, school notes, study materials, certificates, artwork, paintings, letters, postcards, research papers, thesis, college notebooks, personal notes, registers, calender books, executive planners, yearbooks, newspapers, magazines, photos, photo albums, and many other such personal items.

Lab Notebooks, research books, scrapbooks, ledger books, deeds, technical manuals, School yearbooks, bound newspaper volumes, artbooks, rare & fragile books, magazine, catalogs, bibles, vital records, historical archives, design books, cartoon books, drawing books, City & County records, sacramental registers for Births, matrimonial & Baptismal Registers, Burial Records, Cemetary record books, citation- cemetery records books, interment cards, account books, map books, and many many more types.

Why Choose eRecordsUSA, For Old Newspaper Digitization?

• Supporting small & large businesses & individuals, fortune 500 companies & government agencies.
• Capacity & Capability to handle digitizing old newspapers project of any size & complexity.
• We operate a state of the art conversion center in Fremont, CA, where all the work will be performed.
• We use only the top of the line hardware and software for digitizing old newspapers projects.
• Large capacity to process thousands of images a day, including books, paper files & large drawings.
• Successfully completed every project to the entire satisfaction of our customers without exception.
• A full “chain of custody”- from the time the files are pickup to the return of the original & scans.
• Professional & Experienced Operators trained to handle delicate and fragile drawings.
• Extremely large & over-sized books,  large format,  delicate & fragile documents. No Problem!

Feel free to reach out to us here with any questions that you may have about old newspaper digitization, or call us at 510.900.8800, Monday through Friday, between 8.00 am to 5.00 pm. Allow eRecordsUSA to assist you with the digitization of old newspapers and preserving your precious historic documents. Don’t forget to ask about our exiting & past clients, you will be amazed to hear about them.

Ready to digitize your old newspapers? Call 855.722.6669 now to receive a quote for Old Newspaper Digitization