Legacy Photos Scanning
Legacy Photos Scanning Services The Value of Legacy Photos Scanning Services, Ask any firefighter what people get the most upset about losing in a home fire and chances are it is family photos that...
Digitizing Historical Documents & Records – Best Practices
Digitizing Historical Documents Many times we have talked about the advantages of document digitization when managing our files at home or in the office. Now it is my turn to expose the value of...
How to Avoid Destructive Book Scanning
If you’re in the market for book scanning service, you probably have the same fear as everyone else who is looking for a company for the first time. You’re worried that the company doing the book...
Imaging a Book to a PDF Service FAQ
If you’ve heard of imaging a book and turning it into a PDF before, you may have some questions. We’re going to answer the three most common ones here. What Is Imaging a Book to a PDF Service For?...
Thinking About Using a Textbooks Imaging Services
If you work in the education system, you’re surrounded by textbooks. Your students need them for every class. Often, they need more than one for a class, too. In any case, as part of your dedication...
Pharmaceutical & Medical Documents Scanning
Pharmaceutical documents scanning helps your organization reduce clutter while boosting productivity and more. Learn how we can help your pharma company succeed. eRecordsUSA offers advanced...
Professional Wide Format Imaging Services
Engineers often need wide format imaging service for their building projects. Imaging and custom prints are a vital part of any engineering work. These large prints are done with what is called a...
The Benefits of Transforming Large Format Drawings to Digital Images
Digital technology has radically changed the world in which we live. From the Internet to the proliferation of the smartphone, it’s changed how we communicate, shop, learn about local businesses and...
Should You Digitize Large, Rare Books?
Once upon a time, the printed book was the best way to store information and then share it with others. First, books were hand-written, which was a painstaking process. The advent of the printing...
4 Things You Should Understand about Oversize Book Scanning Services
Book scanning has come a long, long way. Once upon a time, it was a painstaking process done manually. Today, there is new technology on the scene, and the individual pages can be scanned...